
Understanding Your Money


$329 Enroll

Full course description

Understanding Your Money is a self-paced online course for high school students on money management and financial decision-making, developed by the Wharton Global Youth Program at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. It starts with a deep understanding of how money works in the world, including basic concepts like earning and saving, and more complex ideas like investing and compound interest. Our goal is to help students make more informed decisions about your finances and manage money effectively throughout your lifetime. In addition to online video lessons delivered by Wharton faculty, the course includes links to related readings, activities and glossary terms, as well as quizzes to test you on the learning material. 



Module 1: Economics

  • What Is Economics
  • Supply and Demand
  • Utility and Cost
  • Compound Interest and Discounting
  • Decision Making: Opportunity Cost

Module 2: What Is Money?

  • Currency and International Markets
  • Money in Action
  • The Role of Banks

Module 3: Earning and Budgeting

  • Jobs and Money
  • Budgeting
  • Living within Your Means
  • The Impact of Financial Problems on a Person's Well-being

Module 4: Investing

  • Retirement Planning
  • Introduction to Investing
  • Risk and Return
  • Asset Allocation